
Lesson7 Names and Addresses

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad,etc..?
I think feeling emotions and facial expressions are similar all over the world, but I think American emotions are more effusive.

2.Try to name as many feelings as possible inJapanese. Now write the English translation.
・Happy うれしい
・Sad 悲しい
・Angry 怒って
・Tired 疲れた
・Proud 誇りを持っている
・Scared おびえた
・Excited 興奮した
・Nervous 神経質な
・Bored 退屈した
・Afraid 恐れる
・Mad 気が狂った
・Confused 混乱した

3.Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

Welcome to Colgate University Students!!

I talked with a Colgate University student. She is very cute and friendly.
First, we introduce ourself each other. She lives in dormitory, because her house is far from university. After that we talked about ideal men. I really enjoyed talking with her, because her oppinions are different from mine.
Finaly, we took a picture together and exchange e-mail address.
I hope to communicate with her from now on.

Class#5 Greetings

a.How do you greet members of your family?
I just say "good morning" or "good night"
b.Are the customs the same all over your country?
I think customs are similar.
c.How do you greet people who are important insociety?
I greet with people who are important in society, I act very politely.
d.Do people greet people of the opposite sex in a different way?
I think just about same way.
e.How do people greet someone they've just met?
People say heloo, bow and shake hands.
f.Do you hug members of your family?
I never hug to my family.

Class#4 World Religions

How do you greet

    When I meet teacher or elder people, I usually bow to them. When I meet someone at first time, I usually shake hands. When I meet my friends, I just say "Hello!!"

Is it different for different people?


How so and why?

    I change how to greet for different people. And American hug their friends as a greeting, but we never hug each other.

Do you touch people when you talk to them?


Why? or Why not?

I seldom touch people when I talk to them, and I touch them vagualy.

Class#2 Buddhism

1.Modern Japanese tend to think we are irreligious, but acutually we are affected by Buddhism. For example, before we have meals we join our hands together. Also, we join our hands together when we finish, because it is one of the greeting for us, and it is our habit. Then, we often go to shrine. For example, new yeays day and when we invoke something, because there are buddha in shrine. So, we are frequently affected by buddhism in our daily life.