I think feeling emotions and facial expressions are similar all over the world, but I think American emotions are more effusive.
2.Try to name as many feelings as possible inJapanese. Now write the English translation.
・Happy うれしい
・Sad 悲しい
・Angry 怒って
・Tired 疲れた
・Proud 誇りを持っている
・Scared おびえた
・Excited 興奮した
・Nervous 神経質な
・Bored 退屈した
・Afraid 恐れる
・Mad 気が狂った
・Confused 混乱した
3.Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
3 件のコメント:
I agree with your opinion. Ameriican people are more excessive. I wonder if we can translate slang in English to Japanese.
I can't tlanslate むしゃくしゃ.
It's difficult.
Very interesting comments.