

If I was working for the UN, I would like to be a UNICEF member, because I like children and I would like to help children in developing country.

☆About Class☆
I really enjoyed this class with you. Especially I enjoyed "Dating". I hope we can see next semester!

Personal Spaces

1. You're talking to co-woker. How close do you stand?
I think I will stand 50cm from co-woker.

2. You're talking to a friend. Do you touch each other?
Yes! I sometimes touch my friends, but it only close friends.

3. Look at the diagram of a waiting room. Where do you sit when you enter?
I will sit back. Because I don't like near entrance.

4. You're in a crowded elevator. Where do you look?
I will look the ceiling. Because I want to look away from stranger.

5. You're standing in line. How close do you stand to the person in front?
May be I stand within 70m, because usually the person in front look forward.

6. You get on the bus. There is an empty row of seat at the back, and an empty seat close by. Where do you sit?
I sit on the back. I don't know why.

7. You're in a library and there's an empty seat beside you. Do you want to stop someone sitting there? If so, how?
Yes. Because I don't want to talk to stranger.

8. You're going to the beach. Do you like to see lots of people or very few?
I don't care.

9. When you're talking to someone, do you look them in the eye?
I think it depends the person, but usually I look them in the eye.

10. You're on a train. Do you talk to the other passengers?
No. I will never talk other passengers.

Work Place Questionairre

Your score is 45 on a scale of 0 to 100 = Preference for Tolerance for Ambiguity

Your score indicates that you have a moderate Tolerance for Ambiguity and might be willing to give up job security for more opportunity. In countries/cultures with a Tolerance for Ambiguity, conflict in organizations is perceived as natural, and rules may be broken for pragmatic reasons. If you work in countries/cultures with a Need for Certainty, such as Japan, France, and Greece, you might react by creating a micro-environment that would shield you from the burden of what you might perceive as excessive structures, rules, and regulations. In countries with a high Need for Certainty, loyalty to an employer is seen as an advantage; a specialist career is preferred over a career in management.
The countries you requested are listed below. The numbers in parentheses refer to the country scores as listed by Professor Geert Hofstede in his book Culture's Consequences:

Japan (92) Need for Certainty, a strong preference for an environment that is more structure-oriented, and where rules, roles and management practices are clear and unambiguous

USA (46) Tolerance for Ambiguity, a moderate preference for an entrepreneurial environment which is less bound by rules and regulations

Class#9 Reflections

a. When do children usually leave home?
I think almost people leave home when they go to university or get a job.
b. How many people live in your home?
There are 6 people in my home my parents, sister, grand parents and me.
c. Do you have a head of the family?
The head of my ffamily is father. He usually make a final decision about family.
d. Who does the housework?
Housewoker is my mother, but she has another job.
e. Who runs the family?
I'm not sure. maybe my parents.
f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
There are 6 rooms in my house.
