
Class#8 Weddings

1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or is a good idea?

I think massive wedding is a good idea. But, to be honest I don't want to have a massive wedding. If I don't have enough money to have a wedding, I want to have wedding only us at a low price.

2. What do you think about eloping? Having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii?

I think it is OK. Eloping is not reallybad thing. I think having wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii is really nice! But, It costs too much money.

3.What is your ideal wedding?
I want to having my wedding at a nice lovely chapel in Hawaii. The capel is located near the beautiful sea. This is a my ideal wedding.

4.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I'm not sure. But, maybe I will get up early and go to hair salon to arranged my hair. And I will wear nice dress. I think It is etiquette, so It is important.

5. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?

No, I haven't. But I had seen foreigner's wedding just a little. When I see it, I thought we don't have much big differences between our wedding and foreighner's wedding. Someday Iwant to go to foreighner's wedding.

Class#7 Superstitions

Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?

Yes! I think to leearn about superstitions is important and interesting. Because there are many funny or unbelievable superstitions in the world. When I go to foreign country it will

be useful.

Is communication affected by superstitions?

Yes, I think so. Because, we sometimes use superstitions in conversation. I sometimes use"One loss brings another (二度あることは三度ある)" Occasionally, superstitions make our conversation nice.

Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?

Honestly, I don't believe in superstitions. But, I cherish superstitions. For example"If you leave rice, your eyes are squashed"tells ue that do not waste food. Sometimes some superstitions make our conversation happily as a joke. And, another time superstitions tell us moral.


Class#6 Time

1. Time is money.
Time is the most precious thing which we can consume. If I have a lot of money, I can not buy time. Of course, everyone can not buy time. Sometimes I think if I have 25 hours in a day. Beause If Ihave 25 hours in a day, I can sleep one more hour. But It is impossible. So, we should not waste time.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.
It is important to guard. Small rip is easy to repair, but the bigger rip the more difficute to repair. If you afraid mistake you have to prepare. It is important for me. Because, I sometimes lack of preparation.

3.There's no time like the present.
If you make up something, It is better to start sooner. If you take the opportunity in doing something, you may miss opportunity. I don't want to miss the chance so, I try to do act as soon as I can.

4.Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.
I did not understand this meaning. But, I don't want to wait for a long time.

I want to use time more usefully. Because we have only 24 hours in the day!



1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?

Almost all time, I judge people according to what they wear. Because, First impression is very important for me. And usually, clothes give us the person's image. If I meet person who wearing really dirty cloth, I think I don't want to be a friend.

2 Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?

I think the answer is Yes! But it depends on situation.
If It is business situation, I do not want to work with person who wearing dirty clothes but
,If it is private situation I care about their charactor.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

I wearing black tops and jeans, and zebra pattern stole. Yes, I think so.

1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I never discuss about my savings, my secret like weight, politics, my family, and boastful talk.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Yes, I do. One of my friend is really funny, optimistic, and friendly. But I'm shy.
We have different character, but we always spend nice time. For example, we often go shopping and have a dinner. I think we influence one another.



1.a. Do you have any international friends or a host family? If so, how would you express your condolences to them if a family member died? If not, then how would you express consolences to an American host family if their Grandmother died?

I do'nt have international friends.
If my family member died, I don't say anything. Because, It is too difficult for me to tell my sorrowful feeling. And if I heard my friend's family member was died, maybe I can not say anything because, I can not understand their sad feelings.

b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?

No, I have never been to a foreign funeral. Only Japanese funeral.

2. a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy? Why is what you wear so important?

I don't think Japanese designer label is crazy. In my opinion, a lot of Japanese interested in fashion. I also interested in fashion and trend. Maybe, I think it is a kind of symbol of wealthy and position.
I think it is very ipmortant what you wear, but it does not need expensive clothes. There are many nice and cheap clothes. For example UNIQL.

b.What does “Don't judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?Good Luck!
I think It means the most important thing is inner, and Don't be fooled by appearances.
Some people judge someone what they wear. I think their appearance is important but, to see inner is more important.


1. Reflecting about today's class:Today we discussed the Japanese concept of "wrapping". Do you agree with the web site's description?What do you do that can be called "wrapping"? Give examples and reasons for your actions.

I agree with them.

2.a. Where do you go when you die?

I don"t know. Maybe, I will go to heaven or Iwill be born again.

b. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?

I think it is a Buddhism concept. For example, 四十九日(shijyuukunichi)means It is a most imprtant day which fix the world beyond of deceased.



If I was working for the UN, I would like to be a UNICEF member, because I like children and I would like to help children in developing country.

☆About Class☆
I really enjoyed this class with you. Especially I enjoyed "Dating". I hope we can see next semester!

Personal Spaces

1. You're talking to co-woker. How close do you stand?
I think I will stand 50cm from co-woker.

2. You're talking to a friend. Do you touch each other?
Yes! I sometimes touch my friends, but it only close friends.

3. Look at the diagram of a waiting room. Where do you sit when you enter?
I will sit back. Because I don't like near entrance.

4. You're in a crowded elevator. Where do you look?
I will look the ceiling. Because I want to look away from stranger.

5. You're standing in line. How close do you stand to the person in front?
May be I stand within 70m, because usually the person in front look forward.

6. You get on the bus. There is an empty row of seat at the back, and an empty seat close by. Where do you sit?
I sit on the back. I don't know why.

7. You're in a library and there's an empty seat beside you. Do you want to stop someone sitting there? If so, how?
Yes. Because I don't want to talk to stranger.

8. You're going to the beach. Do you like to see lots of people or very few?
I don't care.

9. When you're talking to someone, do you look them in the eye?
I think it depends the person, but usually I look them in the eye.

10. You're on a train. Do you talk to the other passengers?
No. I will never talk other passengers.

Work Place Questionairre

Your score is 45 on a scale of 0 to 100 = Preference for Tolerance for Ambiguity

Your score indicates that you have a moderate Tolerance for Ambiguity and might be willing to give up job security for more opportunity. In countries/cultures with a Tolerance for Ambiguity, conflict in organizations is perceived as natural, and rules may be broken for pragmatic reasons. If you work in countries/cultures with a Need for Certainty, such as Japan, France, and Greece, you might react by creating a micro-environment that would shield you from the burden of what you might perceive as excessive structures, rules, and regulations. In countries with a high Need for Certainty, loyalty to an employer is seen as an advantage; a specialist career is preferred over a career in management.
The countries you requested are listed below. The numbers in parentheses refer to the country scores as listed by Professor Geert Hofstede in his book Culture's Consequences:

Japan (92) Need for Certainty, a strong preference for an environment that is more structure-oriented, and where rules, roles and management practices are clear and unambiguous

USA (46) Tolerance for Ambiguity, a moderate preference for an entrepreneurial environment which is less bound by rules and regulations

Class#9 Reflections

a. When do children usually leave home?
I think almost people leave home when they go to university or get a job.
b. How many people live in your home?
There are 6 people in my home my parents, sister, grand parents and me.
c. Do you have a head of the family?
The head of my ffamily is father. He usually make a final decision about family.
d. Who does the housework?
Housewoker is my mother, but she has another job.
e. Who runs the family?
I'm not sure. maybe my parents.
f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
There are 6 rooms in my house.



Lesson7 Names and Addresses

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad,etc..?
I think feeling emotions and facial expressions are similar all over the world, but I think American emotions are more effusive.

2.Try to name as many feelings as possible inJapanese. Now write the English translation.
・Happy うれしい
・Sad 悲しい
・Angry 怒って
・Tired 疲れた
・Proud 誇りを持っている
・Scared おびえた
・Excited 興奮した
・Nervous 神経質な
・Bored 退屈した
・Afraid 恐れる
・Mad 気が狂った
・Confused 混乱した

3.Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

Welcome to Colgate University Students!!

I talked with a Colgate University student. She is very cute and friendly.
First, we introduce ourself each other. She lives in dormitory, because her house is far from university. After that we talked about ideal men. I really enjoyed talking with her, because her oppinions are different from mine.
Finaly, we took a picture together and exchange e-mail address.
I hope to communicate with her from now on.

Class#5 Greetings

a.How do you greet members of your family?
I just say "good morning" or "good night"
b.Are the customs the same all over your country?
I think customs are similar.
c.How do you greet people who are important insociety?
I greet with people who are important in society, I act very politely.
d.Do people greet people of the opposite sex in a different way?
I think just about same way.
e.How do people greet someone they've just met?
People say heloo, bow and shake hands.
f.Do you hug members of your family?
I never hug to my family.

Class#4 World Religions

How do you greet

    When I meet teacher or elder people, I usually bow to them. When I meet someone at first time, I usually shake hands. When I meet my friends, I just say "Hello!!"

Is it different for different people?


How so and why?

    I change how to greet for different people. And American hug their friends as a greeting, but we never hug each other.

Do you touch people when you talk to them?


Why? or Why not?

I seldom touch people when I talk to them, and I touch them vagualy.

Class#2 Buddhism

1.Modern Japanese tend to think we are irreligious, but acutually we are affected by Buddhism. For example, before we have meals we join our hands together. Also, we join our hands together when we finish, because it is one of the greeting for us, and it is our habit. Then, we often go to shrine. For example, new yeays day and when we invoke something, because there are buddha in shrine. So, we are frequently affected by buddhism in our daily life.